24 April, 2012

Medical Vocabulary

Here is a sample of the most commonly used medical terminology translated into Spanish. Of course I can only provide a small selection of words. However, if you require assistance with other words just ask and I will do what I can to assist you.
  1. Appendix = Apendice
  2. Bladder = Vejiga
  3. Bloood Vessels = Canales Sanguineos o conductos sanguineos
  4. Bowel = Intestinos
  5. Calf = Pantorrillas
  6. Chromosomes = cromosomas
  7. Coccyx = Rabadilla
  8. Fallopian Tubes = Trompas de Falopio
  9. Gallbladder = Vesicula
  10. Kidneys = Rinones
There are thousands of words that we must be able to recall at a moments notice as a medical interpreter. this means that we must constantly read and translate terminology in order to be able to retain these sometimes complicated words.

Maybe later I will provide another series of words for thosse interested.

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