18 November, 2012

The Digestive System

Medical Interpreters must constantly test their knowledge.  Also, they must gain additional knowledge in order to improve the quality of their performance on the job.  Many medical interpreters utilize already published and existing materials in order to achieve this goal. This requires time, effort and lots of reading. In addition, one must always quiz and test ones' knowledge in order to keep it banked in ones' memory.

Here is a short quiz regarding the digestive system. Take the quiz, see how you do,  and review areas that you don't quite know.   This method of learning will help you to retain and reinforce your newly gained knowledge.    Have Fun!!

If you do well then you are well on your way to becoming a proficient medical interpreter.  I will post these quizzes from time to time.

03 November, 2012

National Certification Exam for Interpreters

So, you have been thinking of taking the national certification exam  for interpreters.  However, you fear failing the exam?  Don't worry yourself. If you have been interpreting for at least one year, have a good handle on the meanings of medical terms, are familiar with the Code of Ethics and the National Standards of Practice, you will do well.

Here's some advise.  When preparing for the written portion of the exam make sure that you understand your responsibilities as an interpreter.  In addition, have someone create situations that can arise in the context of interpreting and ask you how you would handle these in reference to the Standards of Practice. The more complex the scenario the better.

When it comes to the vocabulary you might want to familiarize yourself with the body systems and what each system does.  Also, focus on what some of the functions of the major organs and glands.  Know the meanings of medical terms commonly used in the medical setting.  

You may have already taken exams where you were asked ' what is the function of the pancreas?" or a similar question.  These are the types of questions that you will be asked on the National Certification Written Exam.  There are no trick questions.

Finally, register, pay the fee, schedule the exam, and go for it.  Before you know it, it will be over and you will be one step closer to being Nationally Certified as an Interpreter.