So you want to prepare for the National Certification Exam. Well, there are some things you want to know. First, you should make sure that you know as much medical terminology as possible. However, you must not know the translation of a word but the meaning of a word. Secondly, try to know your body systems and their function. Thirdly, read your CHIA Standards of practice and know how to use these in an interpretation scenario. in Addition, you must know the Interpreter Code of Ethics and how it relates to your day to day activities as a interpreter.
Now Sign up for the exam. And try to take the practice test that are offered. Review your interpreter 60 hour training materials and do the quizzes at the end of each chapter. If there is anything you don't remember review it. Also, there are some very good review materials on You Tube. Search for Body Systems, select the ones you feel you are least knowledgeable with. After this you should be well prepared for the exam.
I will inform you regarding how well I do after November 3rd. Wish me luck.